Pianos, starlight and humanity
White and black always
blends so well together. I just admire how different and extreme they are
especially when put next to each other; but how in that paradox they are still
beautiful together- Black and white.
I feel almost everything in life is like that;
Black and white, beautiful, and paradoxically so. That beauty though is a work of a power so much above us and reflected in the same kind of oxymoron. Just imagine seeing beauty in brokenness and
pain, in the same brush of the wind that lays down buildings to the ground with every dreadful storm, and the scorching heat that creates miles and miles of nothing. Somehow you know and acknowledge beauty in the very same things and in the very same circumstances that have such a potential to wreck havoc.
Just think of all the "Black and white" circumstances; like stars and starlight.
In all of creation and nature and life experience,
one of the things I think is really beautiful is starsand starlight.
Firstly, the
very out- of- this- world concept of stars.
They are burning gases of helium existing in the cosmos, light years
from where we see them, burning so steadily, so strongly we can see them
twinkle. Sometimes I feel that resolve they have. The resolve to burn like their
existence depended on it; like from God, they had been told to do so and for
that very fact, they do.
I admire
their excellence, their passion to burn and explode doing it so much, they
twinkle. It’s like that resolve and resilience to shine against the black
canvas of night, is what makes them so beautiful; the simple perfection of one
contrast and extreme against another; the black against the white starlight.
Also, the elves in the Hobbit and the Lord of the
Rings esteem starlight as the coolest thing ever, and in life there is always
some fiction that you have to pause for a second and admit is geekishly
awesome. But then again it could also just be the subconscious and unintentional influence of Orlando Bloom's accent and facial symmetry.
Why I think stars are some of the most amazing "black and white" circumstances, is because I get how they are misunderstood
sometimes. I feel they are misunderstood, for moon wannabes, or
volatile things in the cosmos that form black holes and die in supernovas;
misunderstood for weak- not able to fight the black. I thinks as a person I can understand that.
That's why I also think that humans, you and I are a "black and white" circumstance.
It’s a theory I have always had and felt
within me, but conveying, let alone understanding it has always been hard.
That’s what I’ve always seen it as. It’s just that today, it weighs on my mind
and I’m hoping that in some way, I may learn something new about this life we
live in and live it better because I learned it.
Sin is the
blackness that I know, and my life is a fight against it. Some days are blacker
than others.
I guess the issue is I have
never truly understood the source of contention between the two extremes of black and white. Isn’t there supposed to be that
beauty in the difference and some sort of unity in the diversity?
I feel the source of that contention in humans is the hypocrisy paradox. What I mean is life is already complicated because of the antithesis of
claiming to be things we are not; the whole hypocrisy of being "fine and ok", yet seated with your
inherent nature in the same room, and its subtle exhibitions. I mean if we claim to be "good" people can't we be "good"? We all know the ease that comes with the dark side we convince ourselves its something else and send our conscience to get a hobby or something.
We are who we is not the same as who we
claim to be. We are what we do, and not what we wish we didn’t do. That's the severe fact that causes me to need resolution like I need the air I breathe.
How is this never ending contradiction resolved?
The desire and
willingness to be above the fallible and humanistic, and the inevitability of
such as the description true to our nature.
This brings me to my last "black and white" circumstance. The pianoforte. It is an instrument with enough contradictions
of its own that are perceivable, if you indulged an imaginative mind.
It is played using a keyboard of 52 white keys and 36 black keys. The keys are pressed so that strings are hammered and
sound is produced and taken away when the keys are released. The Italian
musical terms piano and forte indicate “soft” and “strong” respectively. So it
is on the surface a percussive instrument for the characteristic that the keys
are pressed, but essentially is a string instrument because the keys pressed,
hammer strings that produce the actual sound.
The keys are black and
white, not red and blue, or green and yellow but black and white. I think that could
be symbolical in mirroring and portraying our contradictions and paradoxes as
thoroughly constituted opposites; nothing is more different from black and
white. I mean a chic in some weird color arrangements walking ordinarily on
some random Kampala street might be severer but let’s go with the black and white.
The point I’m trying to
make is the fact that we feel the black and white within us all the time; we
have called it evil and good, sin and righteousness, right and wrong, true and
false, you name it.
It is dreadfully
important how we rationalize this contradiction because one takes over the
other completely-the white or the black. Mostly the black though. If you get it wrong, it is very unlikely that you may get it
right again. Some rationalize that contradiction by turning to religion, to
giving in to every whim and pleasure, others by finding that soul mate. I don’t know.
I just know we all do, and given an opportunity to explain their justifications
for their rationalization, you might be convinced yourself. That is the great
capability of our minds and hearts
I personally rationalized this
contradiction by turning to faith- faith in the son of God, Jesus Christ. I believe
this is how we we’re meant to rationalize our human contradictions. Justified and
made right with God by faith in Christ; saved and sustained by grace in which we all
stand. These are my convictions.
I just think a piano is a very expressive thing. It's easy to write the melody of within your heart with it. At least that is what I learned as I played it. But there’s also the pedal. For
me that pedal changes the sound from random collections of notes to some
harmonious message. It is the pedal, which makes everything make sense in
the music sounded. It reconciles the chromatic differences in the distinctive black
and whites and phrased especially. Nothing sounds wrong when that pedal is
there. That is, unless you don’t lift your foot off it before the next chord.
We could be pianos,
looking percussive, thick as wood and decided with unchanging resolve on the
top but being strings within, fragile and needy for
redemption and harmony by that pedal.
Every aspect of us in
submission to that pertinent theorem that each and every day we feel within
ourselves, the ambivalence and the existence of each emotion and possibility of
emotion and its extreme warrants a real remedy. Not the lies we tell ourselves
every day and in everything to sleep at night and then with the passing of
years, end up believing.
The thing is that what
is true is that our emotional skin is a porous one, freeing things to the
cosmos and letting other things in. The entropy that comes from external
circumstances clashing with internal perceptions and the catalysts of emotion,
is nothing else but a spiritual one that needs the only spiritual remedy.
Life is that difficult process that need the spiritual remedy of salvation.
The life procedure of
the process and the pain with each and every one of us sponging it all up and
then frantically searching for a needed wring of the brain and cleansing of the
It surely is a very volatile
situation and ought to be expected as being such. After being black and white, and contradictory through and through, the neutralizer is the perfect one that is Christ, such that by him we may become as he is. He is
meaning and the phrase, the slur above
the staves of the sheet music of our lives.
He creates the melody
of harmony and a blended existence of a literal difference in each note that
creates chords and progressions that carry the lyrics and words that are the
message of each song eventually placing its hands on hearts and lives.
I've made my mistakes. I've seen my heart cave in. I've got my scars. I've been to hell and back again. But I've found a way out. I was born for the blue skies and so I'll survive the rain. I was born for the sunrise, so I'll survive the pain. I know we'll find a way. We are the dark horses.
We have tried to
reconcile the differences that especially exist within us, but also among us. Yet, the feeling is emptiness- vanity, and its
relation pride. You end up living for yourself and in the end see no point in
it. You go around in circles playing the same music but not getting the true
melody of life, because you lack Christ that is reconciliation.
I guess the question
left is why I believe Christ is the only hope of true and total redemption. That’s
for another day because right now all I am is another someone that believes in this Jesus of Nazareth.
But all I can say for now is its faith and Hope.
Faith is the victory that
overcomes the world.
Hope makes the blood change courses.